Regional Multiple Casualty Incident Plan
The concept of this FRETAC Regional MCI Plan is one that unifies the efforts throughout the FRETAC to better prepare for multiple patient (mass casualty and mass evacuation) incidents. These efforts will ultimately enhance the entire EMS system. This plan has been developed by pre-hospital, hospital-based, emergency management and public health professionals. This design ensures a plan that is a “top-down – bottoms-up” approach.
Planning, Education, and Training
Education and Training are essential elements to any effective MCI Response. The Foothills RETAC is dedicated to working together with all partners involved in MCI management. This includes our medical facilities, our 26 EMS agencies, our Fire departments and first response agencies. We also coordinate with our HCC partners, public health, and emergency management to provide a united and coordinated response to MCI events.
Training this year included 6 Mini-exercises in different areas of the RETAC to promote unification of agency and county MCI plans. This was accomplished through an NCR HCC grant.
We followed that up with a week-long training with all partners in the RETAC. The training was held in Lafayette and was paid for through the RETAC MCI Committee with presentations and full-scale exercises with local experts and “Strategic Medical Research and Training”, an outstanding national company that also provides federal government agencies their training. Please see some great pics below.
We are dedicated to continuing our efforts to provide MCI awareness, education, and training to our entire region. Feel free to attend our committee meetings. All are welcome! See RETAC meeting schedule.